A Forthcoming International Conference at The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy:

“The Fusion of Religion and Nationalism in Comparative Perspective:
Implications for Conflict Dynamics”

Join us on Thursday, March 31st and Friday, April 1st, as we examine the effects of the fusion of religious claims and nationalism on the dynamics of conflict, with special attention to legitimation and the moral architecture of violence.  Panels will discuss the range of manifestations in which religious claims can penetrate, reconstruct, promote, overcome, and/or challenge nationalism and the diversities of these fusions. The conference hosts international scholars who will examine the cases of India, Ireland, Israel, Palestine, South Africa, Sri Lanka and the former Yugoslavia. Discussions will also assist us in considering possible policy recommendations.

Thursday, March 31st 2016 (3:30 PM)


Friday, April 1st 2016 (9 AM)

With a keynote address by Michael Sells (University of Chicago) and a concluding panel on policy implications.

To view the Program

Panelists include:

Khaled Hroub (Northwestern Univ. Qatar)

Islah Jad (Birzeit University)

Yagil Levy (Open University of Israel)

David Lloyd (UC Riverside)

David Myers (UCLA)

Sarah Nuttal (University of Witwatersrand)


Conference Conveners:

Nadim N. Rouhana (The Fletcher School)

Nadera Shalhoub- Kevorkian (Hebrew

University, Jerusalem and Mada al-Carmel, Haifa)


Liam O’Dowd (Queen’s University Belfast)

Vjekoslav Perica (University of Rijeka)

Tanika Sarkar (Jawaharlal Nehru University)

Jonathan Spencer (University of Edinburgh)

Yaacov Yadgar (Bar-Ilan University)



For more information, please contact:

Danielle Angel

(Danielle.Angel@tufts.edu) or

Christopher Blair


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