The Gender Studies Program (GSP) at Mada al-Carmel is pleased to announce the publication of two position papers in light of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, which takes place annually on November 25th. The first position paper, written by Suhad Daher-Nashef and Samah Salaymeh Igbariya, documents and discusses the impact of femicide on remaining female family members. The second position paper is written by Nadera Shalhoub Kevorkian and Saeda Mokary-Renawy. They address the interactions of Palestinian women with the Israeli police system, from the beginning to the end of the legal process.

These papers are part of a comprehensive research project which addresses Palestinian women’s access to justice in Israel. The project is managed by a group of researchers with varying specialties, allowing for a multidisciplinary analysis of the position of Palestinian women in the Israeli legal system. Areas of focus range from Palestinian women’s knowledge and understanding of their rights and the legal system, their relationship with the police, institutional prejudices against them, the influence of social control devices, and other judicial institutional issues. This research project aspires to expose paths of justice experienced by Palestinian women through the official Israeli judicial system, as well as through other informal social systems. This project will produce six research papers, all of which will be published on our website.

First Paper – The Living Death of the Bereaved: The Experiences of Women Survivors

Second Paper – Palestinian Women’s Interactions with the Israeli Police Force: Access to Justice for Palestinian Women in Israel