Call for Papers

Mada al-Carmel—Arab Center for Applied Social Research, recognizes the importance of focusing attention on the economic policies effecting Palestinian women and shedding light on the economic conditions of Palestinian women in Israel. Therefore, we are pleased to announce this Call for Papers which invites researchers from the academic disciplines of economics, political science, sociology, and law, to submit research papers regarding the economic status and employment of Palestinian women in Israel; and the Israeli policies that are applicable to these areas. Accepted papers will be published as part of “Mada’s Files.”


The topics proposed for the Files include the following:

1.   Policies put forward for the integration of Arab women in labor markets.

2.  Arab women in high-tech industries.

3.  The impact of women’s economic initiatives for improving economic and employment conditions among Arab women.

4.  The economic situation of Arab women in the Negev.

5.   Discussion and/or analyses of economic data concerning Arab women.


Please note the following guidelines:

1.  The paper is to be written and published in Arabic or English, with the possibility of some papers being translated into English or Arabic.

2.   The paper shall not exceed 4,000 words.

3.   Selected authors will receive a modest financial reward of $300, in exchange for their work.

4.  Papers should be written using a clear academic style, however authors should also keep in mind that the target audience includes readers from the non-academic public.

5.   Authors may choose topics not included above, but must receive approval to do so in advance from the program coordinator.

6.  Please direct further inquiries about submissions to the following e-mail address:


Important dates:

1. 30.06.2015: Deadline for abstract submissions (up to 500 words).

2. 10.07.2015: Notification of acceptance sent to authors.

3. 30.09.2015: Final submission of research papers.


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Looking forward to your contributions!



Mtanes Shihadeh

Israel Studies Program Coordinator at Mada al-Carmel