Mada al-Carmel invites researchers to submit proposals for analytical opinion papers on Israeli perceptions of the future of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which will be published in “Mada’s Files”. We are aware of the difficulty involving research into the various competing interests within Israeli society, which hold different perceptions/views on resolving the Israeli – Palestinian conflict. However, there are several indicators that help us understand the perceptions of different Israeli political and ideological views and ideas for the future of the conflict and/or solutions. The papers should focus on the reading and understanding of these propositions. Therefore, we invite you to take one side, address an aspect of these propositions, or focus on Israeli official policy regarding the future of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict when writing your analytical papers. We believe that your contribution will enrich the files and increase the understanding and exploration of perceptions in Israel concerning this matter.


Examples of possible topics:

  • Review of the positions of Israel’s historical peace process and talks.
  • Is there an Israeli peace program? If so, what is it?
  • Perceptions of peace within “the Israeli left.”
  • Perceptions of peace within “the Israeli right” and within “streams of the Israeli center.”
  • Settlers’ views for future solutions.
  • Israeli views on the future of the Occupied West Bank and/or Gaza.
  • You can choose other topics, in coordination with MADA .


Abstract and Paper Submission Requirements:

  1. Abstracts may not exceed 150 words.
  2. Papers can be presented and published in Arabic and/or English.
  3. Papers may not exceed 3500 words.
  4. Authors receive a financial reward for his/her paper.
  5. Papers should be written in an academic style but taking into account that the target audience does not only consist of academics.
  6. Please send details to the following email address:


Important Dates:

Proposal Submission: August 15, 2014

Response to Proposals: August 30, 2014

Submission of Research Papers: November 15, 2014

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Nadim Rouhana, Israel Studies Program Director

Mtanes Shihadeh, Israel Studies Program Coordinator