Mada al-Carmel is pleased to share with you three recent academic papers that are authored by Mada researchers.

Dr. Nadim Rouhana, Director of Mada al-Carmel, and Areej Sabbagh-Khoury, Ph.d Candidate and Political Participation Program Coordinator at Mada al-Carmel, co-authored a paper entitled “Settler-Colonial Citizenship: Conceptualizing the Relationship between Israel and its Palestinian Citizens,” published in the journal Settler Colonial Studies, 2014. This paper seeks to re-examine the relationship between Israel and its Palestinian citizens, and offers an alternative reading, that while acknowledging the procedural connection of citizenship, introduces the settler-colonial structure as a central analytical framework for understanding the origins of this complex relationship and its evolution.

Dr. Nadera Shalhoub-Kervokian, Director of Mada’s Gender Studies Program, has recently had two articles published. The first, “Funding Pain: Bedouin Women and Political Economy in the Naqab/Negev,” was written in collaboration with Antonina Griecci Woodsum, Himmat Zu’bi, and Rachel Busbridge. Published in the journal Feminist Economics, 2014, this article explores the experiences of Bedouin women living in the Naqab/Negev, particularly in unrecognized villages. The article fills a crucial void in existing literature, which often overlooks colonized women’s criticisms of the political economic apparatus.

Dr. Shalhoub-Kervokian’s second paper “Palestinian Children as Tools for ‘Legalized’ State Violence” was published in Borderlands, 2014. This paper addresses the treatment of Palestinian children under the settler-colonial legal context of Israel through the analysis of three main occurrences: the practice of child arrest, the use of children as human shields, and the attacks on Palestinian children’s homes.

Enclosed are the aforementioned articles. We appreciate your continued interest in work produced by Mada al-Carmel researchers.