
On 6/5/2015, the Israel Studies Program at Mada al-Carmel issued two research papers: “Electoral Patterns in Israel and Transformations in Opinions of Israeli Society: The 2013 General Election as a Model,” by Mtanes Shehadeh, and “The Effect of Religious and Haredim Parties on the Israeli Political Scene,” by Inas Khateeb. These papers were prepared as part of the fifth issue of the Mada Files publication, entitled “Transformations in the Israeli Political Scene.”

Articles from the Mada Files publication are available in Arabic on the Mada al-Carmel website. To view the articles, click on the links below:

“Electoral Patterns in Israel and Transformations in Opinions of Israeli Society: The 2013 General Election as a Model” by Mtanes Shehadeh (Arabic)

“The Effect of Religious and Haredim Parties on the Israeli Political Scene” by Inas Khateeb (Arabic)