“The Results of the Israeli Parliamentary Elections of 2015: A New Political Era”

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On April 17th, 2015, Mada al-Carmel & The Arab Cultural Association hosted a joint study day to discuss the results of the Israeli Knesset elections. The study day, intended to provide a venue for the exchange of multiple views regarding the election results, was comprised of two sessions: “The Discourse of the Joint List” and “Israel After the 2015 Election.”

Speakers in the first session included Dr. Mtanes Shehadeh, the co-ordinator of Mada’s Israel Studies Program, Kobi Niv, a journalist with Ha’aretz, and Jackie Khoury, a journalist with numerous media outlets. The session was facilitated by Dr. Manar Mahmoud, from Mada al-Carmel.

Speakers in the second session included Professor Gadi Algazi, Dr. Hunaida Ghanem, Dr. Mohanad Mustafa, and Dr. Mahmoud Muhareb. The session was facilitated by Areej Sabbagh-Khoury.

To view a summary of the study day (available in Arabic), click here.

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