Gender Studies Program

Mada al-Carmel –Arab Center for Applied Social Research

Invites you to attend:

The Second International Conference

The Illusion of Justice in the Settler Colony: Palestinian Women, Law and the State

 Thursday, July 14th 2016, Akkotel Hotel, Akka (Acre) Old City, 1 Salah Ad Din Street

Program (PDF):

10:00-10:10:    Welcome and Opening

Mtanes Shihadeh, Director of research programs, Mada al-Carmel

10:10-10:30:    Opening lecture

Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian, Professor of Criminology, Director of Gender Studies Program, Mada al-Carmel

A Feminist Critical Perspective on Palestinian Woman, Law and the Jewish State

10:30 – 11:45 First Session: Women, State Racism, and the Law

Chair: Himmat Zu’bi PhD Student, Ben-Gurion University

Cheryl I. Harris, Professor of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, School of Law, University of California – Los Angeles

The American Experience in State Racism and the Law

Suhad Bishara, Advocate, Director of Land and Planning Unit, Adalah – The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel

Gendered Spaces in the Formation of the Israeli Settler Colonialism

Sarab Abu-Rabia-Queder, Senior Lecturer, Ben-Gurion University

The Policy of De-Classing the working Palestinian Women in Al-Naqab

11:45– 12:15    Break

12:15-13:45     Second Session: Gender, Racism and Violence against Women

Chair: Aamer Ibrahim, Masters Student, Tel Aviv University, Assiwar Association-Volunteer

Denise Ferreira da Silva, Professor of Arts, Queen Mary, University of London

Palestinian Women Confronting Racial Violence

Nisreen Massarwi, advocate, Kayan – Feminist Organization

The state, the Palestinian Employer and Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Abeer Baker, Human Rights Advocate

The Absence of Legal Protection for Palestinian Prisoner Women in Israel

Saeda Mogari-Renawi, PhD Student, Hebrew University

Critical analysis of Rape Crimes against Palestinian Women as Presented in Israeli Courts

13:45-15:00     Lunch

15:00- 16:15    Third Session: Law, Death, and the Border Zones

Chair: Bana Shoughry Badarne, Advocate, Director of the International Human Rights Clinic at the Hebrew University, PhD student of law, Hebrew University

Rosa-Linda Fregoso, Professor of Latin American and Latino Studies, University of California Santa Cruz

Mexico’s Living Dead and the Policies of Death

Areen Hawari, PhD Student, Ben-Gurion University and  Mada Al-Carmel

Debates on the Personal Status Laws’ Amendment: Discourses and References

Hala Mousa Dakwar, family affairs Advocate

The State and the independence of Ecclesiastical Courts: A Colonial Patriarchal Legacy and a Pure Political Decision

Suhad Daher-Nashif, Lecturer, Al Qasemi Academic College of Education

Frozen Laws –Frozen Bodies: On the Detained Palestinian Women Corpses

16:15:16:30     Break

16:30-17:00     Discussion and Conclusion

MK Haneen Zu’bi, Joint List, Prof. Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian and Adv. Alhan Nahas-Daoud


** The conference will be held in Arabic and English – Interpretation will not be provided.


To register or for more information: Mada Al-Carmel, Tel: 04 855 2035, e-mail: