Read our new e-book: The Palestinians in Israel – Readings in History, Politics and Society – Vol. 2

Mada al-Carmel, the Arab Center for Applied Social Research, has published the English version -of the second volume of the book:

The Palestinians in Israel – Readings in History, Politics and Society

الفلسطينيون في اسرائيل: قراءات في التاريخ، والسياسة والمجتمع

The second part of this book, edited by Areej Sabbagh-Khoury and Nadim Rouhana, includes 20 chapters covering various topics, including political movements and parties, the National Jewish Fund; Israel’s planning policies and the October uprising, among others.

These chapters have been written by a group of academics and researchers specialized in the studies of the Palestinians in Israel, their relationship with the State of Israel, and its policies towards them.

Please note that this same book was already published in Hebrew with its two parts in an electronic copy on Mada’s website, and in Arabic in paper format.

You can review both parts of the book in English, on the links below:

Part I- pdf document

Part II- pdf document