Online Seminar on the International Recognition of Palestinian Statehood

Online Seminar on the International Recognition of Palestinian Statehood

Mada al-Carmel recently convened a seminar entitled “Striving for Palestinian Statehood: The Last Eight Years”, in order to discuss the efforts of the Palestinian Authority... Details
Report on Mada’s 2020 Annual Conference

Report on Mada’s 2020 Annual Conference

Mada’s annual conference is an important fixture for Palestinian academia in Israel, where well-respected academics and public figures give lectures alongside the best new researchers... Details
Mada Prepares for its 2020 Annual Conference

Mada Prepares for its 2020 Annual Conference

Every year, Mada’s conference focuses on an aspect of Palestinian life and reality in Israel- this year’s conference is entitled “The Palestinian Political Sphere -... Details
Despite attempted disruptions, Mada’s online seminar addressing the UAE-Israel peace deal is a great success

Despite attempted disruptions, Mada’s online seminar addressing the UAE-Israel peace deal is a great success

Following the announcement of the Israeli-Emirati peace deal, Mada al-Carmel convened a seminar on Zoom entitled “Palestinians in Israel and the Israeli-Emirati Peace Deal: Discourse... Details
Mada concludes its most recent Zionism and Settler Colonialism workshop series

Mada concludes its most recent Zionism and Settler Colonialism workshop series

Mada has concluded its most recent series of workshops on Zionism and settler colonialism, six sessions of which were convened over the past year and... Details
Thousands watch broadcast of Mada’s 6th annual conference for Palestinian doctoral students

Thousands watch broadcast of Mada’s 6th annual conference for Palestinian doctoral students

In mid-July, eight Palestinian researchers presented their work at Mada’s 2020 Conference for doctoral students. The conference was held in Nazareth at the Ramada-Olivie Hotel;... Details
Mada concludes the sixth round of its Higher Education Support Program

Mada concludes the sixth round of its Higher Education Support Program

Mada al Carmel- The Arab Center for Applied Social Research, has concluded the sixth seminar group of its Higher Education Student Support program, in which... Details
Registration opens for Mada al Carmel’s sixth Doctoral Student Conference

Registration opens for Mada al Carmel’s sixth Doctoral Student Conference

Mada al Carmel has announced the opening of registration for its Doctoral Student conference, to be held on Saturday 25th of July. The conference aims... Details